Some of my faves!! ~Color: blue, purple, pink ~Smell: roses! and clinique happy ~Food: mac 'n cheese ~Restaurant: The Magic Time Machine - it's so awesome! ~Fast Food Joint: SONIC!!!! I am addicted =) ~Song(s): anything PLUS ONE!! ~ I Run To You is the best ~Brand of jeans: levis, tommy, Gap ~Clothes store: Express, Gap, Wet Seal, A&F, Kohls ~Sport to play: DANCE!! yeah it's a sport =) ~Sport to watch: baseball ~Brand of shoes: candies ~Color of socks: multicolored =) ~Magazine: Teen People, YM, Seventeen ~Book: stories for the extreme teen ~CD: Plus One, *Nsync, Faith Hill, 98* ~Best Friends: I know ya'll don't know them but ... Haley, Stef, Alyssa, Sara, Amber, Angela, etc ... ~Boy band: PLUS ONE!! and 98* and *Nsync ... the list goes on and on!! ~Girl group: Dream (he loves me not) and Destiny's Child ~Male solo artist: don't really have one ~Female solo artist: Mandy Moore ~Type of music: country, boy bands (pop type stuff) ~Real band: Creed - they rock! ~Season: summer!! i can't wait ~Car: 2000 fire engine red CAMARO!!! ~Make-up brand: clinique and cover girl ~Flower: red roses ~Class: choir and drill team ~Outside of school activity: church, and hanging out w/my friends ~Holiday: christmas ~Man: Jason Perry!!! don't get me wrong, I luv ALL the other guys too, but Jason is verrry hott! ~Gum : dubble bubble ~Candy: everlasting gobstoppers ~Chocolate: NONE!! i don't like chocolate ~State: texas! yeah baby ~Country besides USA: i want to go to switzerland or france ~Saying: "drive in for a change" -- sonic! ~President: GEORGE BUSH!!:) ~Vacation: Walt Disney World ... it's awesome~ ~Halloween costume: I wasn't anything this year =( but i wanted to be a genie ~Apple: the green kind!! yum yum ~Watch: fossil or guess ~Movie: THERE ARE TONS ... Never Been Kissed, Everafter, Hope Floats, Runaway Bride, Where the Heart Is and many more =)any tearjerkers ~Hat: my tiger cowgirl hat!! hehe ~TV station: the WB ~TV show: 7th Heaven, Popular, Felicity, and Full House - cheesy, i know =) ~Shoe: comfy pair of tennies and my leopard thongs ~Ice cream: butter pecan yum yum!! or the tcby vanilla at school, it's really good too! =) ~Drink: VIRGIN strawberry daquiri - yumm! ~Athlete: GABE KAPLER!!! hottie w/a body!! haha ~Soda: DR PEPPER!! ~Dessert: tons ... anything sweet and not chocolate! ~Diva: Christina Aguilera or Mandy Moore - NOT BRITNEY! ~Cookie: oatmeal raisin! ~Musical Instrument: piano - the only one i can play =) ~Actresses : Sandra Bullock, Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore ~Actors: Freddie Prinze Jr., Ben Affleck, Bryce Johnson ~Play: OKLAHOMA!!! ~Type of dance: jazz, lyrical |
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Here's your chance to get to know the person behind this awesome Plus One page!! =) Hmm ... so what do you want to know? Well, I'm a 15/f and I live in Texas. I luv God <><, guys =), singing, dancing, hanging w/my buds, music (ESPECIALLY Plus One), movies, etc ... basically anything FUN! At school I'm in drill team, choir, FCA, High On Life, Student Council, En Croix, and our musical this year, OKLAHOMA!! I'm verrrry busy but I like it that way =) I'm a BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN and I go to a baptist church and sing in the youth praise band - it's awesome!! Ok, what else? I'm outgoing and I LUV having fun, but I'm a good girl =) That said, if you want to then feel free to email me about ANYTHING, I'd luv to talk to you!! Thanx bunches~ Sarah |
Here are some of my favorite links -- check them out! I'll add some more soon, so come back and check it out! |